Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why excess sugar or glucose is bad

Glucose is the simplest form of sugar obtained form the breakdown of foods such as carbohydrates. All carbohydrates are made up of one or more simple sugars, such as glucose, fructose or galactose.

When complex carbohydrates (which are found in wholesome food) are digested, they break down to glucose at a steady pace. Converted glucose is absorbed slowly into the bloodstream. The body thus can maintain a fairly constant blood sugar level.

However, when glucose or other simple forms of sugar drinks are directly taken, they are immediately absorbed into the bloodstream. This leads to a rapid rise in blood sugar level.

Fortunately the body has a natural mechanism to deal with this rocketing sugar level. The pancreas immediate release insulin to bring it down.

But if the organ is overworked or fails, it may begin to under or overproduce insulin. If too little, diabetes is the result. If too much insulin , then low blood sugar or hypoglycemia may result. Headaches, sleepiness and mood fluctuations are some symptoms.

So our body has to constantly monitor the level of sugar in the blood or else health problems will result.

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